The International Congress Francesc Eiximenis, six hundred years (1409-2009), organized by the Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes de la Universitat de Girona, is the first scientific international meeting devoted to the study of the life and the works of the Franciscan author Francesc Eiximenis (Girona, c. 1330-Perpignan, 1409), on occasion of the sixth century of his death. His political ideas, sociological obervations, prophetic notes, and theological and encyclopedical contents, togheter with the richness of his language, and the magnitude of his manuscript and press transmission, make Eiximenis an extremely interesting author for the scholars of all the fields of the medieval studies. This congress would celebrate the sixth century of his dead to study these aspects, among others, of his figure. The congress will take place in the Sala de Graus of the Faculty of Arts at the Universitat de Girona, on the November 12-14, 2009. PLENARY SESSIONSDE PUIG, Jaume - Institut d'Estudis Catalans EVANGELISTI, Paolo - Università di Trieste HAUF, Albert G. - Univ. de València RENEDO, Xavier - Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes, Universitat de Girona RUIZ, Damien - Université Paris
X-Nanterre SANTI, Francesco - Università di Lecce
PAPERS AVENOZA, Gemma BATLLORI, Montserrat CABRÉ, Miriam CLAUSELL, Carme CONTRERAS, Antonio CORTÉS, Carme FÀBREGAS, Immaculada IGLESIAS, Josep Antoni IZQUIERDO, Eva MARTÍ, Sadurní Martí PEDRETTI, Marco REDONDO, Jordi TORRÓ, Jaume Torró TREMPS, Enric RIERA I SANS, Jaume The further inclusion on the proceedings volume of the papers accepted in the Conference will be reavaluated by the Scientific Comitee, after the reception of the definitive version of the complete text.
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEEStefano Asperti (Univ. Roma-La Sapienza) ORGANISING COMMITTEEMiriam Cabré, Sadurní Martí,
Xavier Renedo,
Jaume Torró REGISTER FEEAdvanced registration is required in order to attend the conference. An assistance certificate will be extended to all registered attendees who so require. Registration fee is 30 € and it includes attendance to the conference and printed information on the conference (programme and abstracts). A reduced fee of 15€ will be applied to undergraduate and postgraduate students. Conference registration: Please complete the following electronic form and pay the fee in the following account by bank transfer (bank costs must be met by conference attendees). Please indicate your name and “Eiximenis Conference 2009” in the bank transfer description: Account holder: Universitat de Girona
USEFULL INFORMATIONS ABOUT GIRONAHow to arrive to Girona: About hotels, restaurants, etc .: Weather: CONFERENCE MAIL AND E-MAIL ADRESSESPlaça Ferrater Mora, 1 17071 GIRONA
(SPAIN) Tel: +34 972 418231
Organizes Whit the support of Gobierno de España - Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación |